Regulatory Affairs

Oshawa Power is an electricity distributor that is licensed and rate regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998.

Conditions of Service Version 2.0 - Draft For Public Comment

Conditions of Service Version 2.0 - Draft For Public Comment

Our Conditions of Service document provides a means of communicating the types and level of service available to customers within Oshawa Power’s service area.

This revised version of our Conditions of Service is a draft for public comment. Comments can be emailed to until September 16, 2024.

See our current Conditions of Service here which remain in effect until Version 2.0 is finalized, filed with the Ontario Energy Board, and posted on our website.

Rate Applications

2024 Electricity Distribution Rates

Oshawa Power has submitted its IRM Rate Application for 2024 electricity distribution rates on August 17th, 2023. The OEB assigned file number EB-2023-0046.

The OEB issued its Decision and Rate Order for Oshawa Power on December 14th, 2023.

2024 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order

2023 Electricity Distribution Rates

Oshawa Power has submitted its IRM Rate Application for 2023 electricity distribution rates on August 3rd, 2022. The OEB assigned file number EB-2022-0057.

The OEB issued its Decision and Rate Order for Oshawa Power on December 8th, 2022.

2023 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order

Past Applications

2022 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order

2021-2025 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order

2020 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order

2018-2019 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order

2017 Electricity Distribution Rates
Decision & Rate Order


Utility scorecards track and show comprehensive performance information for each electricity utility in Ontario, over a range of time and for a specific year.

Scorecards are important because they provide information that tells if utilities are following the rules and if their performance is improving over time. They’re also a way to be transparent with you about how the energy distribution system overall is performing.

Utility scorecards show data for 20 specific measures within the following four key areas of performance:

  • Customer focus
  • Operational effectiveness
  • Public policy and responsiveness
  • Financial performance

2022 Scorecard

Oshawa’s 2022 Electricity Distributor Scorecard and Discussion Document:

2022 Scorecard

Past Scorecards

Ontario Electricity Supply Mix

Ontario’s provincial electricity grid boasts one of the cleanest supply mixes in the world. Combining hydro, nuclear, natural gas, and renewable sources, maintaining a diverse supply mix ensures the ongoing reliability of Ontario’s electricity grid.

To learn more about the latest data on Ontario’s Electricity Supply Mix, click the button below:

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